
The Remediation Service is specifically designed to make website accessibility affordable to small businesses.

Our remediation service is simply we find website accessibility issues and fix them for you.

We can provide additional services upon request.

We answer email ( for all questions regarding this service.


Are you making automated fixes or using an overlay?

No.  All fixes are made by hand, by a professional developer.

Can you fix third-party integrations?

No, unless we have full access to the code.  If access is limited or difficult, we will not edit third-party integrations (e.g., chat bot, social feed embed).

Can you fix website builder websites like SquareSpace, Wix, Godaddy, and Shopify?

To the extent we can edit the code, yes.  Note that we will be limited in how much we can edit if the platform does not provide access.

These platforms have undergone changes in their approach to accessibility in recent years so we can assess their general edit-ability before an order so long as you provide access to your website.

With all of these platforms, basic edits are provided for.

Can you fix WordPress CMS sites?


Is payment required upfront?


Can I get the Remediation Service without the course?

No.  You can only get the service (or other services) with a course membership.  Think of it like a Costco purchase, you must be a member to get access to the deals.

Can I place a custom order (e.g., fix claims made in a demand letter)?

Yes, but custom orders will usually cost more.

What does the quick status note say after you hit 3 hours?

We provide a 100 – 150 word breakdown of the status of your website after our remediation.

This will speak to where we left off and what we recommend you focus on going forward.

This is meant to be brief so we maximize time spent remediating your website and not creating a long report that doesn’t make your website more accessible.

Get Started

To get started, purchase the ADA Compliance Course and fill out the Remediation order form.

Note: As we have soft launched this service on March 7, 2021, we are still working on finishing the ADA Compliance Course materials.  We will add on the itemized cost of the course to your invoice and then send an alert with your login when the course is ready on March 17.

Kris Rivenburgh

Kris Rivenburgh

Kris Rivenburgh is the founder of, LLC. Kris is an attorney and the author of The ADA Book, the first book on ADA compliance for digital assets. With seven years of experience in digital accessibility and ADA Compliance, Kris advises clients ranging from small businesses to public entities and Fortune 500 companies.