ADA Website Training

There is nothing in the market like the ADA Compliance Course.

The ADA Compliance Course is accessibility training designed to stop lawsuits. Website owners can give this ADA website training to their web team so developers, content editors, and/or designers can find and fix accessibility issues as they are going through the lessons.

What sets this course apart from all other training is it focuses on the 15 accessibility issues most commonly claimed in litigation by the 20 most active plaintiffs’ law firms.

Learn exactly what accessibility issues lead to lawsuits and how to find and fix those issues. This proactive training program tells you exactly what steps to take to follow ADA website compliance best practices for 2024 and quickly reduce your risk of a lawsuit as you improve the accessibility of your website.

Course Objectives

The primary objectives of this course are to:

  1. Prevent lawsuits by addressing commonly claimed accessibility issues
  2. Save money by avoiding settlement costs, attorney fees, and audit and remediation expenses
  3. Save time and energy by minimizing the need to deal with lawsuits
  4. Improve accessibility to ensure better access for all users

This training will also help your team reduce and eliminate key issues before content is ever published or code is ever edited – accessibility can be incorporated into processes.

This will not only reduce your risk but you also stand to gain tremendous time and money savings vs. trying to fix accessibility issues after the fact.


The ADA Compliance Course consists of 30 lessons with 15 of those lessons going into detail on specific accessibility issues being claimed in lawsuits. Each lesson includes:

  • video explanations
  • text instructions
  • code examples

The other lessons provide in-depth strategy and insider information to help students learn exactly how they should be thinking about website accessibility, legal risk, and preventing lawsuits.

The course is designed as an SOP or step-by-step guide, enabling web personnel to take immediate action.

Who Is It For?

The course is designed as an SOP that website owners can give to their web teams. Web teams may include developers, designers, and content managers.

Of course, the training can also benefit individual developers, designers, and content managers as well as various digital agencies and sellers such as SEO agencies, web design agencies, and more.

This course can also help defense attorneys better defend and advise their clients, both pre and post lawsuit or demand letter.


  1. Remediation strategy: Each lesson is assigned a role and level of complexity, making it easy to determine who should be responsible for each task.
  2. WAVE help: Members will know if WAVE, an automated accessibility scan, can help flag accessibility issues for each lesson.
  3. Pay attention to sections: These sections highlight common issues and where to focus when resolving accessibility problems.
  4. Supplementary materials: The course alsoincludes an Excel spreadsheet checklist, PDF cheat sheets, actual claims from filed complaints (i.e., lawsuits), and linked resources for additional help.


  1. The course is designed for action, allowing users to start remediating issues and lowering the risk of litigation immediately.
  2. The course is suitable for businesses of all sizes, from solo entrepreneurs to multinational corporations.
  3. Non-technical people can make progress even without development experience by focusing on beginner-level lessons.
  4. The course can be shared with web developers, enabling them to follow the instructions and make fixes as they go through the course.
  5. Lessons are derived from claims made in actual complaints filed by active plaintiffs law firms.

Plaintiffs Law Firms

This training is based on the claims made in actual complaints filed by the most active plaintiffs’ law firms. Hours of research has gone into finding the exact accessibility issues being claimed in the most recent complaints filed in 2023 and 2024.

The 15 accessibility issues inside the course are the most common claimed issues in complaints filed by the following law firms.

  • Roderick V. Hannah, Esq., P.A.
  • Acacia Barros, P.A.
  • J. Courtney Cunningham, Esq.
  • Shaked Law Group, P.C. (Dan Shaked)
  • The Law Office of Noor A Saab, Esq.
  • Lawrence H. Fisher
  • Marcus & Zelman, LLC (Yitzchak Zelman, Esq.)
  • Manning Law, APC (Joseph R. Manning, Jr.)
  • NYE, Stirling, Hale, Miller & Sweet (Benjamin J. Sweet, Jonathan D. Miller)
  • Block & Leviton LLP (Jason M. Leviton)
  • Mars Khaimov, PLLC
  • Pacific Trial Attorneys (Scott J. Ferrell)
  • Gottlieb & Associates (Michael A. LaBollita)
  • Stein Saks, LLC (Mark Rozenberg)
  • Law Office of Pelayo Duran, P.A

Learn How to Stop ADA Website Compliance Lawsuits

Learn more about the course and sign up at

Upon purchase, you can immediately access the full course and learn the exact strategy and attention to detail you need to get relief from serial lawsuits.

Are you interested in services for website accessibility? offers audit, remediation, and user testing services along with certification once your website is fully WCAG 2.1 AA conformant.

You can also schedule a consultation with Kris Rivenburgh to discuss your situation.

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WCAG 2.1 AA Training

We have created the best training for learning the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). Videos, Excel spreadsheet checklists, cheatsheets, and code examples included.

Start Learning WCAG
Kris Rivenburgh

Kris Rivenburgh

Kris Rivenburgh is the founder of, LLC. Kris is an attorney and the author of The ADA Book, the first book on ADA compliance for digital assets. With seven years of experience in digital accessibility and ADA Compliance, Kris advises clients ranging from small businesses to public entities and Fortune 500 companies.