The HB21-1110 compliance deadline extension to July 1, 2025 is very close to approval. The deadline for the new accessibility law for Colorado state agencies and local government entities will extend the compliance deadline one year.
Signed into law on June 30, 2021, HB21-1110 mandated WCAG 2.1 AA conformance for all public-facing and internal technologies including websites, apps, and software. Given the enormous scope, Colorado public entities have struggled to meet the original July 1, 2024 deadline.
HB24-1454 Enables the Extension
To address this reality, HB24-1454 was introduced on April 15, 2024. This bill aims to extend the compliance deadline from July 1, 2024, to July 1, 2025 on the condition that public entities can demonstrate good faith efforts towards compliance.
The bill has passed the Colorado House and Senate and is now awaiting the governor’s signature to become law. This extension reflects the General Assembly’s recognition of the significant effort required to meet the accessibility standards and the progress made by various public entities.
Importance of WCAG 2.1 AA Conformance
HB21-1110 is a landmark piece of legislation that ensures all public entities in Colorado provide accessible digital experiences for individuals with disabilities. The law requires that all digital products, including websites, applications, software, and documents, comply with WCAG 2.1 AA standards. These standards are crucial for making digital content accessible and usable for people with various disabilities.
How to Track HB24-1454
While the extension is highly anticipated, it is not yet finalized. To stay updated on the status of HB24-1454, you can track its progress with Fast Democracy.
You can read the current bill summary and text on the following pages:
- Bill Text: HB24-1454 Full Text
- Bill Summary: HB24-1454 Summary
HB21-1110 Compliance Services
If your organization needs assistance meeting WCAG 2.1 AA, offers the necessary manual services for WCAG conformance including audits, remediation, and user testing. These services are designed to help Colorado public entities with HB21-1110 compliance.
We also offer accessibility consulting to help organize and plan your HB21-1110 project.
We are on the verge of a one-year extension to the HB21-1110 compliance deadline, but it is crucial to remember that this extension is not yet official. The extension will only take effect once the governor signs HB24-1454 into law.
Even in the likely event we see a one-year extension granted, public entities must still quickly work on HB21-1110 projects because WCAG 2.1 AA conformance for all digital assets and content will take time.